Friday, 12 August 2011

How to Protect Your Teeth in summer or winter Simple yet Important Teeth Care Tips

Teeth care is not only important from health point of view but it imparts a completely new appeal to your personality. Good teeth and gums are a sign of good health. Therefore, here are a few simple yet important teeth care tips for everyone to follow every day.Firstly and most importantly in teeth care it is essential to brush your teeth twice a day. It is a sin in teeth care to sleep without brushing your teeth because you are actually opening a door for the bacteria and germs to attack your teeth in very possible way. Brush your tongue and teeth well and if you are not familiar with the right way of doing tooth brush then ask your dentist to demonstrate it to you.Brush at least for five minutes and move gently. Teeth care does...

Pineapple Smoothie with Vanilla Ice Cream in good for your beauty

Ingredients:1 cup canned pineapples with syrup2 scoops vanilla ice cream½ cup milk1 bananaIce cubesRecipe:Blend milk and banana till smoothAdd vanilla ice cream and the pineapple chunks with syrup and blend againAdd ice cubes and blend again until a smoothie is readyNo extra sugar is needed as pineapple syrup and vanilla ice cream are already sweetGarnish with pineapple chunks and serve c...

Cyber Bullying-step it before it steps on your child!

For those of you not familiar with the menace of cyber bullying, its equivalent to having your kid being bullied in school, but with the difference being that in cyber bullying, technology is basically the medium through which teens are bullied. Cybercrime is an offense which is on the rise in Pakistan with a proper cybercrime law and act in the function now. Cyber bullying is the equivalent of school bullying for kids and teens. It is a growing problem which most parents are unaware of.The parents of teens who use technology such as mobiles, internet or wireless are mostly unaware of the threats posed by this technology, resulting in cyber crimes. Harassment via blogs, text messages, e-mails, instant messaging; are all forms of...

Skin Care Tips For Summer for everyone men and women

Remember that these summer skin care tips can protect your face and body because in summer the sun rays can cause wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer. Follow these summer skin makeover and it will glow!This skin care tip suggests that drink lot of water through out the day as it keeps the skin clear and lustrous. It is necessary that you stay from iced beverages because they hinder digestion and causes toxins leading to skin problems.  This summer skin makeover idea suggests that take lot of fruits, vegetables and herbs in your diet because they keep your skin cool. Also add carrots, lettuce, and summer squash such as zucchini, celery, asparagus and leafy greens in your diet. Take spicy food in less quantity.   The...

Latest Block Prints in Summer for young girls and old women in new look, look like more beautiful in summer

With the summer season spread over 8 months, the fashion in the summer season in Pakistan changes its colors over the season. The designers and Textile companies launch their collections twice or even thrice over a season. Each collection is unique and beautiful in its place and definitely leaves the buyer thinking what to buy and what not to buy.The summer lawn prints have so much potential for designing in them that one has a huge variety to choose from. Not just the colors, but the designs and styles that leave the customer mesmerized. The block prints that were in fashion a couple of years back, are back again. At this point of time when the fashion industry has developed so much, the charm of block prints...

How to make your lips more beautiful with lipstick and glue with diffrent styles

 The arrays of lipstick colors available are more likely to blow your mind away and bedazzle you with their variety. All the available lipstick colors often tend to overwhelm you and may result in you buying the wrong shade for your skin tone. Not overlooking the fact that most women look prettiest when they wear lipstick and that this one product does more than all other beauty products combined, all make lipstick the numero uno in makeup cosmetics.Finding the perfect lipstick for your skin tone is not a colossal task. All that you have to determine is the skin tone of your skin. That is the first and foremost step towards applying the ideal lipstick color. You must be mindful of your skin’s natural undertones. Meaning...

How to Enhance the beauty of your eyes in diffrent styles

Eyes are undoubtedly most delicate yet potent enough device of subduing the spectator. Eyes are not only one of the most attractive feature on your face but most sensitive as well. In order to bring out their genuine sparkle, appropriate eye care on regular basis is a must. Eye grooming and good eye make up have the strength to make you look strikingly beautiful. No matter you have small eyes or big ones; there are several hundred ways through which you can alter the shape of your eyes.Eyebrows play a very significant role in forming the shape of your eyes. Groom your eyebrows by using olive oil and castor oil. Regular oiling enables you to enhance the thickness of your eyebrows. To make your eyes look bigger change the shape...

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