Friday, 12 August 2011

How to Protect Your Teeth in summer or winter Simple yet Important Teeth Care Tips

Teeth care is not only important from health point of view but it imparts a completely new appeal to your personality. Good teeth and gums are a sign of good health. Therefore, here are a few simple yet important teeth care tips for everyone to follow every day.Firstly and most importantly in teeth care it is essential to brush your teeth twice a day. It is a sin in teeth care to sleep without brushing your teeth because you are actually opening a door for the bacteria and germs to attack your teeth in very possible way. Brush your tongue and teeth well and if you are not familiar with the right way of doing tooth brush then ask your dentist to demonstrate it to you.Brush at least for five minutes and move gently. Teeth care does...

Pineapple Smoothie with Vanilla Ice Cream in good for your beauty

Ingredients:1 cup canned pineapples with syrup2 scoops vanilla ice cream½ cup milk1 bananaIce cubesRecipe:Blend milk and banana till smoothAdd vanilla ice cream and the pineapple chunks with syrup and blend againAdd ice cubes and blend again until a smoothie is readyNo extra sugar is needed as pineapple syrup and vanilla ice cream are already sweetGarnish with pineapple chunks and serve c...

Cyber Bullying-step it before it steps on your child!

For those of you not familiar with the menace of cyber bullying, its equivalent to having your kid being bullied in school, but with the difference being that in cyber bullying, technology is basically the medium through which teens are bullied. Cybercrime is an offense which is on the rise in Pakistan with a proper cybercrime law and act in the function now. Cyber bullying is the equivalent of school bullying for kids and teens. It is a growing problem which most parents are unaware of.The parents of teens who use technology such as mobiles, internet or wireless are mostly unaware of the threats posed by this technology, resulting in cyber crimes. Harassment via blogs, text messages, e-mails, instant messaging; are all forms of...

Skin Care Tips For Summer for everyone men and women

Remember that these summer skin care tips can protect your face and body because in summer the sun rays can cause wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer. Follow these summer skin makeover and it will glow!This skin care tip suggests that drink lot of water through out the day as it keeps the skin clear and lustrous. It is necessary that you stay from iced beverages because they hinder digestion and causes toxins leading to skin problems.  This summer skin makeover idea suggests that take lot of fruits, vegetables and herbs in your diet because they keep your skin cool. Also add carrots, lettuce, and summer squash such as zucchini, celery, asparagus and leafy greens in your diet. Take spicy food in less quantity.   The...

Latest Block Prints in Summer for young girls and old women in new look, look like more beautiful in summer

With the summer season spread over 8 months, the fashion in the summer season in Pakistan changes its colors over the season. The designers and Textile companies launch their collections twice or even thrice over a season. Each collection is unique and beautiful in its place and definitely leaves the buyer thinking what to buy and what not to buy.The summer lawn prints have so much potential for designing in them that one has a huge variety to choose from. Not just the colors, but the designs and styles that leave the customer mesmerized. The block prints that were in fashion a couple of years back, are back again. At this point of time when the fashion industry has developed so much, the charm of block prints...

How to make your lips more beautiful with lipstick and glue with diffrent styles

 The arrays of lipstick colors available are more likely to blow your mind away and bedazzle you with their variety. All the available lipstick colors often tend to overwhelm you and may result in you buying the wrong shade for your skin tone. Not overlooking the fact that most women look prettiest when they wear lipstick and that this one product does more than all other beauty products combined, all make lipstick the numero uno in makeup cosmetics.Finding the perfect lipstick for your skin tone is not a colossal task. All that you have to determine is the skin tone of your skin. That is the first and foremost step towards applying the ideal lipstick color. You must be mindful of your skin’s natural undertones. Meaning...

How to Enhance the beauty of your eyes in diffrent styles

Eyes are undoubtedly most delicate yet potent enough device of subduing the spectator. Eyes are not only one of the most attractive feature on your face but most sensitive as well. In order to bring out their genuine sparkle, appropriate eye care on regular basis is a must. Eye grooming and good eye make up have the strength to make you look strikingly beautiful. No matter you have small eyes or big ones; there are several hundred ways through which you can alter the shape of your eyes.Eyebrows play a very significant role in forming the shape of your eyes. Groom your eyebrows by using olive oil and castor oil. Regular oiling enables you to enhance the thickness of your eyebrows. To make your eyes look bigger change the shape...

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Wedding day makeup Tips

Your wedding day will see you be the centre of attention for the entire day. Everyone will be looking at you so you want to look your best. From putting on the veil, kissing your husband and dancing, your makeup will be disturbed. As your make-up plays an important role in complimenting your features, gown and accessories, it is important to try look your best.To ensure that your makeup looks fantastic, use a professional make up artist. Make sure you have a trial a few months before your wedding day.SkinYour skin is the basis for your wedding day makeup as this is where it all begins. Make sure you drink plenty of water and stay out of the sun in the weeks leading up the wedding.If you don't already...

Look Fabulous in Your Wedding - Kiss and Makeup

In all my years doing makeup and hair I have enjoyed every experience and I am very thankful for so many wonderful brides. Without them, I wouldn't have gained so much knowledge in makeup, hair and weddings. I would like to pass on what I have learned from these women to future brides in hopes of making their wedding day even more enjoyable. One of the most important tips I can give a bride is to have a complete trial session done prior to the wedding. This helps work out all the kinks when deciding what you want to look like on your wedding day. You should have your hair and makeup done and your headpiece placed on during this time. It is unbelievable how different your hair will look with the headpiece....

Got Hair? Five Techniques For Hair Removal Down There!

 With the approach of summer many women (and men) begin to think about wearing a swimsuit and all that it entails. Remember to consider your hair care down there before purchasing a new bathing suit this season. Decide what method you will use, how much hair you will remove, how much it will cost and how often you need to repeat the process. Removing pubic hair is safe but often painful and inconvenient unless you only need a trim. Some of the hair removal procedures you may consider are waxing, Brazilian waxing, shaving, delipatories (hair removal cream) and electrolysis. You can by products or use at home or you can visit a salon and spa for hair removal.General waxing consists of either warm or...

Top 5 Beauty Tips for Brides.for looking more beautiful

 Every bride wants to be picture-perfect for their big day. You want to look like yourself - but different, more dramatic, fresh... it can feel like a big task. Many brides think that because a wedding is such a big day, they have to go big on the makeup. Well, you've got the perfect groom, the perfect dress, and the perfect flowers - don't overshadow that by making your face as grand as the day itself.Here are some top tips for helping you create a beautiful look that you will treasure in your wedding photographs for years to come.Tip One: Less Is More Yup, we've all got the idea - your wedding is the biggest celebration of the year. Do try to remember, though, that everyone wants to see...

Top Ten 10 Makeup Secrets For Wedding.Makeup party makeup bridals makeup casual makeup

 On that special wedding day, every bride wants to look her very best and be at her most beautiful, but presenting your best face can be a little daunting. How do you make sure your wedding makeup stays on all day, looking flawless in your wedding photos, and manage to make you feel like a model, but still look like you?I spent years doing wedding makeup early on in my career when I worked as a makeup artist in the beauty salon. I also did photo shoots and advertising on the side for top magazines, and I realized that the best wedding makeup was actually the same makeup tips and tricks that I used on top models for their photo shoot. The dynamics are the same, whether it be...

Monday, 8 August 2011

Traditional Red is Everlasting Fashion Trend in Pakistani Bridal Dress

 Traditional red bridal dresses have always been the most preferable choice of brides.A wedding occasion is one the most-awaited and exciting day of a woman’s life, as she gets all set to enter in her new whole world. When it comes to wedding plans and preparations, the first thing popped-up in every girl’s mind is bridal dresses. Wedding day is one the craving occasions for which woman desire to have best bridal dresses and jewelry to embellish her beauty in those glaring moments.Pakistani bridal dress and traditional wedding dresses are already much known all over the world for their variety, elegance, charm and charisma. No matter what fashion trends captured the market, the charm of deep romantic red has always grabbed the attention...

Royale Wedings Bridals Dress Collection


Latest Pakistani bridal wear collection By Pakistani Designers

 Fashion designer Bunto Kazmi is one of the well-reputed designers of the Pakistani Fashion industry. She has an elegant style mania in her Kazmi household range; that is the reason of her dignity.Presently, Fashion designer Bunto Kazmi has launched another piece of elegance, the tremendously designed Bridal wear. Usually, it seems that almost all the designed philosophy of Fashion designer Bunto Kazmi revolves around the Mughal Empire. In this case of designing Bridal wear, Fashion designer Bonto Kazmi reflected the same touch of traditions and custom. The beautifully designed Bridal wear with the heavy work and fine decent colors, is worth appreciable. The pearls, gems, embellishments all are outstanding and of high quality. ...

Pakistani Bridal Style and dressing Colors of marriage in Pakistan

 Wedding is one of the most important occasions for any girl, and she wants to make it the most outstanding one. And wedding dress is a thing that helps make her wedding a special event. But as happens with all brides, they do not know what is hot and what is not; should they go for traditional or modern dress.Usually brides settle on traditional heavy work wedding dress because on a very few occasions girls garb themselves in such beautiful and colorful dresses. But brides remember that profiles must be feminine. These days brides love pastel shades and whites for wedding dresses. Many designers combine the look of the modern world and the traditional wedding dress designs. The result is some cool designs which look very Pakistani...

How to Remove Cracked on your lips,smooth lips " Lip Balms for cracked lips"

 The cold and wind will not forgive your lips! To keep your beautiful smile in winter, care them and apply mourishing balms. Here are our tips and product selections!Why lips are so fragile?At first gust of wind, lips deteriorate. The reasons for their vulnerability are:- Lips are in the front line without the rest of the face.- Cold, wind, temperature changes, air are aggressive for the lips.- They contain less water and produce less sebum, the body’s natural lubrifiant.- Saliva acidity is the biggest enemy.- Your lips lack melanin, a pigment that protects skin from UV aggression.How do we protect lips?To avoid the cracking of the lips, you have to protect with balm. What qualities must have the lip balm:- to contain fatty substance...

How to be a professional a women in their job carer and jobs dressing style for business women

 It is essential for a career woman to look as well as the job she represents, if she wants to get results as the quality of her work. It is therefore important to pay close attention to the clothes you wear when you go to work or have business meetings.In general, matching a career woman clothes fall into two categories: business and business casual. It depends on each one to choose and adapt the styles depending on the position they occupy in the environment where they operate and meetings that take part.It may seem difficult at first, but if you take this decision, you’ll find what is your dress code and how it can adapt to your needs.If you go on your dress code at your office, you’re not going to go wrong: avoid shirts...

How to Protect Your Skin in Summer or Winter tips for a perfect skin

 Every woman wants a perfect and bright skin, with no trace of acne, dark circles or wrinkles. As we get older, this desire is becoming more difficult to accomplish. Fortunately, modern cosmetic industry, along with the natural, offers solutions which slow aging effects, and gives us the opportunity to have a perfect skin at any age and any time.Dark circlesIf your dark circles are easily blue or purple, and disappear when you presse firmly with your fingers, are probably caused by thin skin and blood vessels that are visible through it and thickens especially during sleep. Apply daily a moisturizer that contains caffeine, in the problem area. This is the most efficiently, shrinks blood vessels and makes them less visible.If...

Latest Eyebrows Styles Tips for Girls and women

 Learn the secrets of perfect eyebrows and learn how to avoid the most common mistakes.We know that eyebrows change the face shape and the look of it. It is therefore important that you give your eyebrows the best and most suitable form. You have to keep in mind that your eyebrows are not all alike, as not all girls are alike. You need to understand that you should form your eyebrows depending on their natural form and shape of your face. Also, another very important thing is that those thin eyebrows that you see everywhere are no longer trendy. Luckily, we say because they were very unsightly. This year is the natural gateway, therefore eyebrows go on the same trend: natural. Natural is more beautiful, more simple.Exactly what...

Most Beautiful three 3 hairstyles with bangs, ideal for spring

 One time was a frenzy with bangs, then things have calmed down. In 2011, the bangs has returned in trends.The bangs is versatile, it fits to any type of physiognomy and hair. The condition is that bangs should be adjusted accordingly!So, if you have square or round face, perfectly for you is styled bangs, easy spinning, worn on one side. This arrangement method create the illusion of a lengthening face, just what you need!Women with oval face are the lucky ones! If you’re one of them, found that most of types advantage you. You can try a very straight bangs, cut parallel with the eyebrows, you can choose the option of a long bangs, wide and often (that if you have a wide forehead) or you can opt for an uneven bangs, spinning, stylized.If...

Latest Glasses Fashion – a daily accessory

 Glasses should be chosen according to the physiognomy and personality of the person wearing them.There is a comprehensive range of spectacle frames, is quite possible that, faced with a choice, to be wanderers. The decision becomes easier if you take into consideration the color, shape and pattern frames.One of the most important aspect, is to keep in mind when you choose the frames, the color of your hair, depending on which you narrow the colors range. If your hair is light, the best option would be bright colors, such as blue, red or green. Avoid pastel colors, because will make your face to look “erased”, and beware of the black that is tightening the features. If your hair has a darker shade, tones of brown, mauve, pink...

Latest Two Top Trends in the new season: red lips and smoky makeup

 The proposed makeup from the variety of fashion houses on the podium this year was essentially a series of interpretations of two classic makeup types, emblematic for the make-up art. We talk about smoky eyes and red lips. Smoky eyes was achieved this year with tones of blue, black gothic same we were used for some time, with a matte texture and lace. Equally, the lips were located in the beauty industry’s attention: lipsticks with strong influences are worn retro, gothic look, ultradramatic, very cool shades, from red to black grating.Beside nude makeup, natural makeup stance already consecrated, be it day or office, smoky eyes and hot lips are redy avatars of a female’s sensuality and an attitude full of sex appeal. In most...

Summer Sandals to Beat the Heat and look like model and beautiful actress

 Summer brings along the excitement of colours but the summer in Asia is too harsh and to beat the heat we need to be ready. While we update our summer wardrobes with all the floral prints and colours we need not forget to hunt for the summer sandals that have made the summer fashion trend all the more exciting than ever.  Since all the ladies and girls have those beautiful kurta’s and prints to wear they need to get their hands on the latest trend summer sandals. The latest fashion trend has yet again has all the bright colours.The ladies should definitely get their hands on all the strappy and colourful sandals. Other than those the traditional kula puri’s and traditional chappals will go perfectly with our version of skinny...

Youw wanna know ??? How to Remove the Ingrown Hair properly ????

The problem of ingrown hair is faced by most of the men and women. Since men shave everyday they face this problem with their facial skin.  Whereas women while they remove their unwanted hair from several parts of the skin, face this problem of ingrown hair. After the hair has grown inside the skin the main idea is to get rid of it. The question is how to deal with the problem of ingrown hair through an easy process.The main idea is that we follow some simple and easy home remedies for the ingrown hair problem. The first step is to cleanse the skin with a mild cleanser so that the surface dirt is removed.  After the skin has been cleansed, there is a need to apply some heat to soften the area so that the ingrown hair is removed.The...

Hollywood Dancer " Michael Jacson " Secrets and Hidden truth about michael jackson life and Jakson Dance Style

   Michael Jackson’s Oxygen BedFor beauty purposes and to live longer, Michael Jackson used to sleep in an oxygen tent. He later donated the bed to a Californian medical center as a therapeutic aid for burn victims.  Michael Jackson Egyptian SculptureFlickr user mandalariangirl took a photo of this ancient Egyptian female sculpture picture in the Field Museum in Chicago. She speculates if Michael Jackson got some ideas for his plastic surgeries. Jackson’s Patented Anti-Gravity BootMichael Jackson invented and patented special boots that allowed the wearer to lean so far forward that it seems to defy gravity. He used these for the famous “lean” in the “Smooth Criminal” music video. Bubble the Chimp, Michael’s...

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